International STEAM Communications (iSTEAM Communications ISSN: 2691-7300) is an open access electronic journal that publishes original papers on education in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). iSTEAM Communications encourages reports of both quantitative and qualitative studies of STEAM education in the global context. 

STEAM education is emphasized worldwide as the core thrust for a sustainable globalized economy. iSTEAM Communications welcomes contributions from researchers, students, and teachers around the world to actively participate and promote education and workforce development in STEAM disciplines. Through effective communications and collaborations among the global communities of STEAM educator and practitioners, iSTEAM aims to fostering a productive community of international researchers, teachers, and learners for sustained development of STEAM education. 

Publishing an article has many benefits for students. Through the inquiry process of scientific research and writing, quality deep learning will occur, and students can open their eyes to the many aspects of STEAM disciplines, which are highly emphasized for the 21st century workforce. This kind of experiences can engage and prepare students for future careers in STEAM areas, and foster students’ abilities in critical thinking, creativity, complex problem-solving and communication, and leadership from young age. In addition, publishing papers can also add to students’ academic profiles, which will be valuable assets for promoting students’ future academic pathways and college applications. We hope you would encourage your students to practice their writing through research and share their ideas outcome with the scholar community on iSTEAMC.

Our current call for papers welcomes a wide range of topics in STEAM research and learning. A few examples are listed below: (all related topics are welcomed) 

  • Reports of advancement in STEAM research and technology
  • Reviews of background and history in STEAM fields
  • Reviews of STEAM education programs
  • Studies on STEAM development and society
  • Innovative projects and research carried out by students
  • Studies on STEAM education and learning

If you have any questions, please contact our editors at