Guidelines for Styles and Formats


Please use the provided word template to prepare your manuscript. When you copy and paste into the template, please use the destination style or paste as text only without formatting style. Make sure the references and titles are consistent with the suggested styles.

Please download this word template to prepare your manuscript: iSTEAMC_Template.docx

Please include author information in the title page: iSTEAMC_Title Page.docx

These files along with other supporting files are to be uploaded through the submission portal: 

Submit your paper online:   


Fonts, Formatting, and Styles (fonts and formatting are for production only)

The default font of the manuscript should all use "Palatino Linotype" as formatted in the word template file.


Reference Style:

Reference style should follow American Psychological Association (APA) format. Examples are shown below:

Reference in the text should be in the format “(Hedges & Olkin, 1985; Gerber et al. 2001a )”. When referencing multiple references with the same author in the same year, it should look like “(Gerber et al. 2001a)”. Quoting statement should be “…, Gerber (2001a) stated that …”.

BBC News report, (2007). Mathematicians set Chinese test,

Gerber, B. L., Cavallo, A. M., & Marek, E. A. (2001a). Relationships among informal learning environments, teaching procedures and scientific reasoning ability. International Journal of Science Education23(5), 535–549.  

Hedges, L. V., & Olkin, I. (1985). Statistical Methods for Meta-analysis. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

If possible, please provide http link for online material and doi link for published papers.  



Author needs to submit high resolution graphs. Vector based graphs are preferred. If it is a non-vector picture (such as jpg or png, png is preferred), the picture should be in a resolution at 300 dpi or higher (600 dip preferred).

We strongly encourage you to submit vector based graphs. If you produce the graph from Excel, please send the original excel file in which the graph is created. We will need to modify the style and font directly to produce high quality graphs. 

The font in the graph should be no smaller than 9 points in its final out put format.

Colored graphs and pictures are welcome. The line width and color should be adjusted to clearly show the features of the graph. Most graphs should have a white background with dark lines. Author needs to ensure that the graph will produce high quality gray scale printouts.