Zirui Deng
Bishop Ready High School, Columbus, Ohio 43204, United States
*Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received: 2020-12-27 / Accepted: 2021-1-21 / Published: 2021-1-28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37906/isteamc.2021.3
Abstract As COVID-19 spreads around the world, global financial markets are volatile. Faced with the severe situation of the rapid spread of the epidemic overseas, many countries have taken active prevention and control measures. Internally, limit or prohibit group activities to reduce the risk of crowd gathering; externally, border control, and strict travel restrictions are in place. But the most common accept solution advocated by many countries is to lockdown the cities to prevent further infection. This caused a high unemployment rate and has widened existing divides between professionals, low-paid workers, people of different races, and the young. This study is trying to evaluate the economic damage by the pandemic specific to unemployment. Through the researches, the effects of unemployment caused by the pandemic are extensive and severe. The unemployment reveals the discrimination of American society and the hardship of low-paid workers. It also lowers students’ efficiency.
Research Areas: Social Science
Keywords: lockdown, pandemic, unemployment rate