REAL: Research in Education, Assessment, and Learning
ISSN: 1947-5497
REAL is an open access electronic journal published at
REAL publishes original papers on research in education, assessment, and learning. REAL encourages reports of both quantitative and qualitative studies on education in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM).
STEAM education is emphasized world wide as the core thrust for a sustainable globalized economy, REAL welcomes contributions from researchers and teachers around the globe. The main goal of REAL is to help fostering an active and healthy international community of researchers, teachers, and learners of all backgrounds interested in education.

If you are …
· An Undergraduate Student
who wants to demonstrate your critical thinking and communication skills by adding a new publication in your application to graduate school or industry …
· A Graduate Student / Postdoc
who wants to showcase your teaching and mentoring experiences, and demonstrate your writing skills for your career advancement…
· A Faculty Member / Instructor
who wants to share your teaching experience and best practices…
Consider writing an article & publish it in R.E.A.L.!
Topics include (but are not limited to):
● Case studies on common student mistakes and difficulties that you encounter during instruction/tutoring
● Innovative instruction methods that you found helpful during instruction/tutoring
● Effective and practical assessment methods and examples
● Comments with examples on undergraduate or graduate curriculum, and ideas for improvement
● Discussions on the current STEM education system, and proposals for policy change
REAL is edited by a team of educators and researchers at the Ohio State University. For more information, please visit Please direct any questions to our editors at