Wenjie Yang is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Education, East China Normal University (ECNU). Before entering ECNU, she completed her postgraduate course at Shandong Normal University, majoring in study of educational teaching. As the main person participate in the National Social Science Fund Education Key Project of China,Promoting Evaluation and separation of Education Management, and write relevant documents and books. Currently, her research interests include education evaluation, policy development, school change and development research. She also pays attention to the importance of international education evaluation to subject quality, and emphasizes the important value and significance of education evaluation in subject teaching, education reform, and policy adjustment. Others specific continuing interests focus on educational evaluation indicators, construction of educational evaluation models, measurement of educational evaluation, etc.
Selected Publication:
Wenjie Yang, Guorui Fan.(2018).The Tension and Vitality of Educational Reform——Analysis of the Logical Relationship of Various Elements of Educational Reform in the 40 Years of Reform and Opening up, Fudan Education Forum,5.http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?DBCode=CJFD&DBName=CJFDTEMP&fileName=GWZX201805003
Wenjie Yang, Guorui Fan.(2017).The Reform of the Education Inspectorate System: 1977-2020---A Review of the Inspectorate Reform in China After the Introducing of the Reform and Opening-up Policy, Research in Educational Development,21.http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-SHGJ201721003.htm
Assistant of main participant. “Education Policy Dictionary”. East China Normal University Press,2017.