Parent Characteristics, Teacher Qualification, Peer Effect, and Student Achievement in Third Grade: A Multiple-Group Mixture Structural Equation Model

Hui Jiang , Sui Huang

College of Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, United States
*Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 2012-3-26 / Accepted: 2012-9-12 / Published: 2012-12-30

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Abstract This paper uses the multiple-group mixture SEM model to examine the effects of parent characteristics, teacher qualification, and peer effect on students’ academic performance. The potential differential effects for higher-achieving and lower-achieving groups are also examined. Using a national sample of 7022 third grade students in the ECLS-K study, the project finds that parent characteristics and peer effect contribute positively to academic achievement, while teacher qualification has little effects. However, higher-achieving groups appear to be more sensitive to teacher effects than lower-achieving group. Moreover, parent characteristics remain the strongest predictor of children’s academic success across samples.

Research Areas: Research methodology