Joshua Joh *
Lake Forest Academy, LAKE FOREST, Illinois 60045, United States
*Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received: 2022-10-13 / Accepted: 2023-5-4 / Published: 2023-5-8
Abstract Clinical depression can be described as a common medical disorder that negatively affects how an individual feels, thinks, and acts. Nowadays the chance of an individual having depression is more prevalent throughout the world and understanding depression and most importantly, how to treat such a disease is pivotal. While it currently remains unclear exactly how depression works in the human body, research shows that a protein called P11 might play a vital role in the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying depression in the body. According to research, as the level of P11 protein decreases, this increases an individual’s risk of undergoing depression. The main problem is that the existing treatment, which includes medication and psychotherapy, is not as effective as it should be for treating such a disease. Genetic therapy treatment would be an attractive alternative treatment for depression treatment since regulating the levels and mechanisms involving protein P11 would hopefully alleviate one’s symptoms of depression in the body. This paper intends to highlight the benefits of using gene therapy to treat depression and elaborate on why the treatment may be useful.
Research Areas: Health & Medicine, Neuroscience, Genetics
Keywords: Clinical Depression, Depression, Genetic therapy, p11 protein, Treatment for Depression, Psychiatric Disorder