Why Targeted Alpha Particle Therapy is the key to cancer remission?

By  Maxwell W Luo
Received: 2022-11-6 / Accepted: 2022-12-30 / Published: 2023-4-29
PDF Main Manuscript (300.59 KB)  DOI: https://doi.org/10.37906/isteamc.2023.1
Abstract Since 1882, attempts have been made to develop a remedy for cancer. Even today, we still seek out more modern, safe, and effective remedies to potentially find a way to do away with cancer permanently. However, thus far we have only discovered methods to temporarily remove cancer. Although there is a chance you would be cured for good, most people only experience remission, a time when they are free of symptoms. New discoveries have changed cancer treatment for the better. A recently discovered cancer treatment method called targeted alpha particle therapy could potentially become a safe and effective form of cancer treatment. Although it is still in development, its potential is huge. Targeted alpha particle therapy could be a breakthrough that could save many lives. [More...]

COVID-19 Exposure in Urban and Rural Areas

By  Megan H Wong, Delbert Cai, Raymond Cai
Received: 2023-2-12 / Accepted: 2023-4-29 / Published: 2023-4-30
PDF Main Manuscript (280.69 KB)  DOI: https://doi.org/10.37906/isteamc.2023.2
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has majorly impacted the lives of people living in different living environments, such as large cities or small towns. However, there is limited knowledge about the difference in infection prevalence between urban and rural populations. To examine these differences, this study examined SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels in blood serum from 36 unvaccinated subjects of urban and rural backgrounds with no self-reported history of COVID-19 infection. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) detected the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the subjects’ blood. IgG and IgM assays were used to distinguish between prior (recovered) and more recent infections, respectively. A t-test was conducted to identify a statistically significant difference, or lack thereof, between the antibody levels detected in urban and rural participants. The results indicated that there was no significant difference between the two experimental groups for both IgG and IgM (p = 0.09, 0.93, respectively), although the p-value for IgG was low enough to be notable. Overall, this study suggests that there is no major difference between urban and rural environments that impact susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection, although more research with a greater sample size should be conducted. [More...]

How genetic therapy can be used to treat patients undergoing clinical depression?

By  Joshua Joh
Received: 2022-10-13 / Accepted: 2023-5-4 / Published: 2023-5-8
PDF Main Manuscript (221.91 KB)  DOI: https://doi.org/10.37906/isteamc.2023.3
Abstract  Clinical depression can be described as a common medical disorder that negatively affects how an individual feels, thinks, and acts. Nowadays the chance of an individual having depression is more prevalent throughout the world and understanding depression and most importantly, how to treat such a disease is pivotal. While it currently remains unclear exactly how depression works in the human body, research shows that a protein called P11 might play a vital role in the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying depression in the body. According to research, as the level of P11 protein decreases, this increases an individual’s risk of undergoing depression. The main problem is that the existing treatment, which includes medication and psychotherapy, is not as effective as it should be for treating such a disease. Genetic therapy treatment would be an attractive alternative treatment for depression treatment since regulating the levels and mechanisms involving protein P11 would hopefully alleviate one’s symptoms of depression in the body. This paper intends to highlight the benefits of using gene therapy to treat depression and elaborate on why the treatment may be useful. [More...]