Why Targeted Alpha Particle Therapy is the key to cancer remission?

Maxwell W Luo

Baltimor county public schools, Perry hall, MD 21128, United States
*Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 2022-11-6 / Accepted: 2022-12-30 / Published: 2023-4-29

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37906/isteamc.2023.1

Abstract Since 1882, attempts have been made to develop a remedy for cancer. Even today, we still seek out more modern, safe, and effective remedies to potentially find a way to do away with cancer permanently. However, thus far we have only discovered methods to temporarily remove cancer. Although there is a chance you would be cured for good, most people only experience remission, a time when they are free of symptoms. New discoveries have changed cancer treatment for the better. A recently discovered cancer treatment method called targeted alpha particle therapy could potentially become a safe and effective form of cancer treatment. Although it is still in development, its potential is huge. Targeted alpha particle therapy could be a breakthrough that could save many lives.

Research Areas: Health & Medicine

Keywords: cancer treatment, nuclear medicine, targeted alpha particle therapy